[Sensual Sales Series] An Embodied Way to Sell, Without Any Sleaze
Casey: [00:00:00] Central sales is service. Central sales is service. Central sales is service. Hi, welcome back to the central sales series on the purpose map podcast. I'm Casey, Bergland your host and the founder of where the end. Well, and this is part four of this series as part of the bigger worthy and well-paid theme.
Casey: Sensual sales is service. I share this so that it really just sinks into your brain. How, when we are selling in an embodied way, it is really genuinely helping our life-giving next level clients already in parts. One through three, I've invited you to. Own your integrated self and claim your next level purpose.
Casey: I've invited you to flirt with your life, giving clients and create a sexy AAF offer. You know, why these things are important, [00:01:00] right? And now I'm going to share more about the central sales process. A high integrity turned on way to get paid richly without feeling like a hustler sales central sales is serving.
Casey: Now, if you're here, you are a founder, a change agent, a change agent, a guide who has already been in business already served people in already been paid for your work. And you've been doing great work. People respect you for who you are and what you do, and you're feeling called to your next level in business.
Casey: So this whole series is for you now. What is. The sales process could feel delicious every step of the way. That's what we're here for. When you are trying to sell in a disembodied way. I spoke about this in one of the other episodes. You're trying to follow this head centered way of selling. You're trying to follow [00:02:00] someone else's system.
Casey: Someone else's track someone else's script for sales, but you're a heart centered person is just going to feel off inside. You know, put yourself in those shoes. You've probably been there before where you're like, okay, I really want this person to buy this thing. And I'm going to follow this sales script, this process.
Casey: And then you get to the point in the conversation where you're about to ask to be paid for the thing that. Offering and your nervous system gets kicked into fight flight and, or your client's nervous system gets kicked into fight flight freeze, and you just kind of like stumble over your words or talk too much.
Casey: And the energy shifts and ultimately they say. No, or they ghost you, have you ever had that happen? I certainly have head centered. Sales does not work for a heart-centered person, [00:03:00] sensual sales, which is rooted in embodiment. It's rooted in you embodying your highest level gifts, your next level of service, your next level purpose.
Casey: You connecting deeply through a heart awakening process, flirting with your life. Giving clients. Central sales. When you have a clear offer that you're delighted to share, and that you get to you, don't charge two K 5k, 10 K plus four, because it's a deep, meaningful transformation that you're facilitating for the person who is just waiting for you to offer it.
Casey: When those things are in place, the central sales process happens easily. In the embodied leader, sales intensive, which you're welcome to join. We're starting April 18th. I believe in April. Anyways. We talk about central sales as, uh, a five step process that is embodied [00:04:00] where, where you have an awareness of your own nervous system in the sales process, where we integrate some of the things you've already learned in the sematic work or body-based work that you've done.
Casey: We integrate that with. Wisdom and strategy strategy in a different way, but strategy around how to sell. So what would happen if we thought of the sales process as an opportunity for co-regulation for helping you and your life-giving next level client ground into their bodies, creating a safe and secure.
Casey: Way to have a conversation about money. What if the sales process was trauma informed? You know, we've all got our shit around money, and I know that you have done some healing around that already. You've already taken maybe Denise Duffield Thomas' money mindset course or someone else's. Program around shifting your money beliefs.
Casey: Maybe you have like affirmations on the mirror that help you [00:05:00] relate with money and abundance differently. That's awesome. That's amazing. And what would happen if. You had a way of getting it into your bones, of being so embodied in the process of selling that it comes more naturally that you build your resilience and your capacity to be in conversations about money.
Casey: And what if that was easier? What if it felt good? Rather than feeling sleazy or like you needed to be kicked up into your anxious attachment style or that you felt like sleazy or misaligned while doing it. That's what we're about. So the central sales process is a five step process. And when you follow this five step process after, you know, really claiming your next level purpose and connecting with your life, giving clients and creating a beautiful offer, things flow, and you get to, you get to have that result of [00:06:00] doubling your income and impact without burning out or neglecting your body's wisdom.
Casey: Now, of course, of course, of course. Growth is required, you know, of course, in any process that is maybe different than what you've used before. There are opportunities for growth that sometimes feel uncomfortable. Embodiment helps us to be with uncomfortable sensations in our body. As we grow, when we bring the body back on board in this process, we expand, we grow, we self-actualize, and we make more sales and we play bigger in our businesses and we help our clients in richer, more meaningful ways.
Casey: In the central sales process, asking for money or asking to be paid for the transformation that you facilitate feel smoother. It feels like you get to do that in a more securely attached way. [00:07:00] When you engage in this process, it's like a big exhale at the end, instead of an anxiety written moment asking for that.
Casey: We keep the long-term in mind. So just like someone who experiences secure attachment in relationships can take it slow. Can, you know, build trust bit by bit has an awareness of their side of the street. And what's the other person's side of the street, um, in the central sales process, when we're embodied and we're feeling more secure in what we're offering.
Casey: It's a lot easier to have this level of trust trust in the self, but also trust in the process, including the longer-term process. For me personally, when I lean into an [00:08:00] embodied way of selling and I lean into authenticity and trust, and I'm in conversations with my potential clients. My goal is to help people come to an empowered yes or an empowered know about whether or not they work with me.
Casey: I'm dropped into my body. I'm tuned into my intuition. Assessing alignment. Is this the right person for this offer at this time? And with this level of embodiment, I'm more attuned to what feels right in the moment. I'm, I'm connecting with my own intuition, but I'm also connecting with the other person in a more grounded, authentic way.
Casey: And it's a gift when I can help someone. No to my offers that too is part of doubling your income and impact in your next level experience of your business, helping someone say no. When we're in integrity with [00:09:00] ourselves, when we're embodied in the sales process. Yes, of course. We want to help more people and have more people say yes and pass right away.
Casey: And of course that happens, but not for everyone because not every person is the absolute right fit for the thing that you're. And every time that I've helped someone say no, by being authentically grounded in my body, by trusting the way by engaging in this five step central sales process, which I teach in the embodied leader, sales intensive, every time I'm grounded in what's true.
Casey: And someone says no to that often. Nine times out of 10, they circle back around a year later, two years later, five years later with a hell. Yes, because in the central sales process, we care about relationships. Like I said, central sales is service. If we're truly going to serve the life-giving next level, clients that we're here on the [00:10:00] planet to serve, we have to trust.
Casey: Their power of choice. And we have to trust ourselves in assessing whether or not what we have to offer is going to be a perfect fit for the person who's buying it. And sometimes it's a no in the moment. And when we act with integrity, People come back around. There's a trust that's built and it's so high integrity.
Casey: It feels so good. Can you see why I love sales? I want you to love sales as much as I do. I want you to feel so turned on and excited for the sales process because it's, it's such a delightful way to help yourself and others like heal and become empowered. And. Be in a state of like trust and integrity.
Casey: I'm so excited to take a few [00:11:00] people through the embodied leader, sales intensive in April, where I'll help you every step of the way, fully own your next level of purpose and integrate it in your business connect with in a heart-centered way. Life-giving clients and create a clear, sexy AAF offer that they are just waiting for you to put out into the world and then engage with the five-step central sales process that brings your body on board to make sales feel fun and juicy rather than sleazy and gross.
Casey: If this is something that calls to you, reach out, send an email to [email protected] and look up step three, which is the embodied leader, sales intensive. You can click the button and apply. And someone from our team will reach out with more information to share about [00:12:00] all the deets what's going down and you'll have an opportunity to have your questions answered.
Casey: I hope you enjoyed this series, both the central sales series and the broader or the well-paid series, where we talk about money, getting paid, stepping into your power and worth. It's really, really critical. I really believe it's critical that especially women who, you know, if you're listening, you're probably a woman.
Casey: If you're not, you're welcome here, too. Most of the people I serve are women. Right? You know, we are conditioned to play small, to not like take up space in our bodies to not really own the transformations that we help to facilitate and create for others. And, you know, there's that pay gap thing. We're not getting paid as much as we deserve to.
Casey: And especially when we're creating such transformation in this world as embodied leaders. [00:13:00] Getting paid matters. So this whole quarter, as we've talked about getting paid, expanding, taking up space central sales, I hope that you've been inspired to play bigger in your own way. I'd love to hear from you never hesitate to reach out email [email protected] or follow us on Instagram or Facebook at worthy and well, I can't wait to talk with you soon.
Casey: Take really good care. Bye bye.