[Sensual Sales Series] Flirting with Your Life-Giving Next Level Clients
Casey: [00:00:00] Hi there and welcome to part two of the central sales series on the purpose map podcast. This is Casey. Bergland speaking, your host and the founder of worthy and well, I'm so delighted to be here today. Like I said, part two of the central sales series, central sales. This is a high integrity turned on way to get paid richly without feeling like a hustler.
Casey: And I wanna teach you about central sales as part of the worthy well paid series because you, my friend, as a heart centered practitioner, a transformational leader, who's stepping into your next level. Your next level requires a different way to sell and this way. I hope is different from anything you've learned before.
Casey: Often when I speak with people about sales, especially women, especially women who are heart centered, who facilitate incredible transformational [00:01:00] change and who are embodied leaders in their space. They kind of like cringe and contract when they think about sales, because they think about, you know, laziness and they think about, oh, there's something about like asking people for big amounts of money that can feel.
Casey: Misaligned and it makes perfect sense. It makes perfect sense. Given that most people teach sales from a head centered way. And so when you're a heart centered person and you're learning a head centered way, you're learning something that you think you should do in a way that, you know, someone else says you should, but it.
Casey: Something's off. The only way to do sales as a heart centered person is, is in a heart centered way and embodied way. So this is part two of this series. In part one, we talked about why you need to really embody your integrated self and claim your next level purpose, AKA own who you are. You're a queen who has all these disparate integrated gifts.
Casey: And that's [00:02:00] what people are paying you for is you pulling these multifaceted tools out of your toolbox to help them create change, create results in their life. So that's part one. If you haven't listened to that episode, go back and listen to that now, and then come back here for this piece where I am gonna share with you.
Casey: Why. It's important to flirt with your life giving next level clients. And again, I mean that in the most high integrity way, the head centered sales approach says to be strategic and rigid. And sometimes I think when a heart centered person tries a head centered way of connecting with their people, they.
Casey: Get activated their nervous system kicks 'em into fight flight because something feels inauthentic. You know, if you're following a, a sales script and asking questions right from the script, you're, you're kind of disembodied and. The person you're speaking with can feel that, you know, it might [00:03:00] work for, for a certain purpose, but in this next level, in this next level where you are creating a higher level of transformational change for the people you're here on the planet to serve, there's a higher level of authenticity, integrity, fun, joyful, playful, heart centeredness that's required.
Casey: So. Flirting. Let's talk about flirting. I'm curious what comes up for you when you hear the word flirting, if you have kind of an ick feeling or a like, Hmm, maybe an alluring kind of sense around that word. When I think about flirting and specifically flirting with my life, giving next level, prospect clients, even prospect, that's kind of a weird word.
Casey: Next level. People who I'm here on the planet to help serve. I think about, I feel into my body. If I'm on a date and I'm flirting [00:04:00] in an embodied sensual way, what am I doing? Well? I'm asking intuitive, genuine questions. I'm opening myself up to receive I'm in an active listening state. I am injecting joy and playfulness into the conversation.
Casey: Flirting to me, awakens the heart of another, like, what do we need on this planet right now? We need more awakened hearts. We need more openness in our hearts. We need to create more space in our hearts to connect flirting with your life. Giving. Potential clients is a way of connecting in a heart centered, joyful heart awakening way.
Casey: And this way feels fun. It feels juicy. Like I said, central sales is a high integrity turned on [00:05:00] way to get paid richly without feeling like a hustler. So a hustler would connect with clients in a really mm. Anxious. Hustley sort of way kind of like, please, please, please pick me to serve you. I need you, like, I need, I need your money.
Casey: I need it. It's kind of icky. I don't know if you recall the episode that, uh, we did with Tara Newton Gill of true love. That was about attachment theory and attachment styles. . When you think about connecting with the people that you're here to serve. When you connect in sort of like a grounded, secure, embodied way, it's much more effective than when you're activated into like an anxious or avoidant state.
Casey: And now so much compassion, um, are attachment styles are our attachment styles for a reason. You know, if, if you know, you gotta listen to that episode, but. They're impacted by how we grew up. But [00:06:00] at this point in the game, you're someone who's already done. A lot of inner work. You've already looked at your attachment style.
Casey: You've already healed some trauma. You've already been to therapy, let's say, and you've done some body work and you're already an embodied leader. The way that you've done this inner work, the, the impact that that inner work has had will help you in the sensual selling process. So when you're flirting with your life giving client, it's an opportunity to meet the people in your world in a securely attached way that feels light and fun and joyful and embodied.
Casey: So. When it comes to say, doubling your income and impact in this next level, in a way that feels really good and juicy and embodied. Yes, you need to claim your integrated self and own who you are own your next level purpose. And. You [00:07:00] also need to connect with your people. So this flirting with your life giving client, you might think about that as a pathway to take after you've created, say a next level offer.
Casey: And this is a big mistake that I see people make is they go into their little bubble. They go into their little BBA and try and create an offer that facilitates a transformation for someone else without talking to the someone else. You know, it's kind of like, um, CA trying to call in your partner or community members without getting out of the house.
Casey: It's important to, you know, get clear on, in a general way. Like who's your, who, who's the person that you're here to serve in this next level. What are the qualities of them in general? What is the thing that they struggle with and what is it that you're helping them to receive or achieve or leave it live into [00:08:00] or heal?
Casey: What is the result that you're ultimately creating for them? Yes. Have a general sense of that. And then. Get out there and talk to your people. Don't make the mistake of creating your next level offer without. Talking to your people first and talking to your people in a curious, embodied life, giving way, get out there and have fun flirting with your people.
Casey: Opening their hearts. Entering into the space with your own open heart, genuinely listening, asking, curious questions and getting to know what is actually true. How do, how are they talking about this challenge that they're moving through and the next level result that they want? And listen, listen deeply.
Casey: Remember, let that wisdom be infused in your next stage. Your next [00:09:00] stage being developing a clear sexy AF next level, offer talking to your people comes first. So this Sensu sales process for Sensu sales to happen in a streamlined, beautiful, uh, juicy way. Own your integrated self and claim your next level purpose, and then get out there and talk to your people.
Casey: Get a sense of. What's actually happening for these people and notice your own intuition when you connect with them. Just like if you were out on the date, notice your own intuition. When you connect with people, do they help you feel like safe and secure and maybe a little bit challenged, maybe a little bit drawn into a growth edge.
Casey: That's awesome. We wanna grow with our clients and we wanna have a healthy life giving relationship with them. Notice what comes up for you in your body? Notice if you feel when you're interacting with people, [00:10:00] like you can be really present and authentic and aligned that information that you gather, uh, through conversations with people, through sensing people's energy, through intuiting, what needs to happen in that dynamic integrating all of that wisdom is so useful for creating your next level offer.
Casey: I'm having this moment right now where I am. I keep getting this little hit in the side of my brain. That is this book that I'm reminded of. I don't know if you've read the witch of portabello by the same author who wrote the Alchemist. I'm thinking about this book now, because the main character in that book, Athena, I suppose the witch of portabello, I, she is a embodied empowered woman.
Casey: And of course, you know, People call her a witch. She's an empowered, free embodied woman. And there's a part in the book where, um, I'm not remembering it perfectly clearly, but there's [00:11:00] a part in the book where. She helps to facilitate this like trans like heart opening experience for other people. And I remember when I read that book, I was like, oh, this is the energy of flirting.
Casey: This is the energy of being so present with others and having such an open heart and like, you know, compliment seeing the gifts in other people illuminating, um, Illuminating how beautiful others are. She has this way of sort of igniting others who she's around. And when I think about Athena, I think about this like sensual empowered woman whose presence opens the hearts of others and allows for this deep level of connection.
Casey: you, my friend in your next level, experience your next level purpose. As you double your income and impact in your business. You get [00:12:00] to lean into this more embodied way to connect with the people you're here on the planet to serve. What changes for you when you think about that being part of a sales process, rather than I don't know, some icky experience of.
Casey: Talking to your quote prospects and trying to get them to buy the thing that you have. It's, it's completely different. That's not the way in this next level experience.
Casey: I'm curious, what's coming up for you as you integrate this wisdom. And as you envision and feel into. You aligning with your next level in your business and connecting with the people that you're here to serve. Now, I'm curious what comes up for you? What resistance shows up, what delight or expansion shows up in your body?
Casey: I know for me, [00:13:00] when I'm in this space of upleveling, sometimes fears come up around, uh, leaving behind past clients. I spoke to this a little bit in the first part of this series and. Sometimes I feel like, oh, do I really get to be my whole open, loving self? Is it safe for me to be like loving towards people in the process of determining whether or not I can help them?
Casey: And, um, I don't know why I'm feeling called to share that. Maybe you're wondering the same thing. My experie, it has been that when you. Lean into what you're here for now, and you have this broad sense of who you're here to serve, and then sooner than later, you get out there and you connect with them, all the pieces start to fall in place.
Casey: So instead of feeling like the sales process is sleazy or seeing your clients as dollar signs or [00:14:00] wondering if you have to use a head centered approach to connecting with them. Instead of thinking of sales that way I invite you to think of it as doing what you're naturally gifted at. If you're in this community, you're naturally heart centered, you're naturally a connector you're naturally able to drop into your body and ask curious questions and listen.
Casey: You get to be you, you get to be authentic. In fact, it's a must that you're authentic for this next level of leadership in your business. I can't wait to hear what you thought of this episode. Definitely email me info worthy and well.com. Also, we've got a new [email protected] head over there to check it out and upcoming.
Casey: I'll be facilitating. I'll be bringing a group of people together for the embodied leader, sales intensive. It's a. Group [00:15:00] experience over a couple of months where we help each other really claim our next level purpose flirt with our life. Giving clients create a clear sexy AF next level offer and learn the central sales process central sales skills to help you get paid.
Casey: In a high integrity turned on way without feeling like a hustler. If this is something you're interested in, reach out to me, email info, worthy and well.com on our website. Let your body lead.com. You can also check out step three of our process. The process that helps you to double your income and impact.
Casey: Without burning out or neglecting your body's wisdom. And this is for you, especially if you're already pretty clear on what your next level is. If you've already done quite a bit of work on embodiment, you're stepping into your leadership as an, as an embodied person, and you're wanting to kind of match what [00:16:00] you you're here to do with the.
Casey: People who are ready to receive your gifts in a container that will help to facilitate their transformation for a higher end price that you sell with ease and flow. I can't wait to hear from you. Take really good care. Talk to you soon.