Claiming Your Next Level Purpose is Like Dating in Your 30s
Casey: [00:00:00] Well, hello there. And welcome back to the purpose map podcast. I'm Casey Berglund, your host and the founder of worthy and well, I am so excited to be here today. We're wrapping up. This is the last month of the worthy well-paid series and. I got this great hit and the energy to match, to share with you a four-part series to wrap up this kind of bigger theme.
Casey: And specifically, I want to talk to you about sales and making more money. And with. Different sort of approach. If you haven't noticed already everything that we do here at worthy and well keeps you and your purpose at the center of it. So when we're talking about helping you [00:01:00] feel well paid it's well paid in a way that's in alignment with who you really are and what you're really here for bigger, bigger, bigger picture.
Casey: I want to help you deeply, deeply fall in love with yourself and. Receive the level of success that you truly want. That's in alignment with you being who you are and doing what you're here to do. So we've been talking about money, getting paid value, worth you, being the asset we've gotten into, you know, identity deaths and your next level purpose.
Casey: All of this, I hope so far has helped you to upgrade your money. Mindset, become more of who you are and feel inspired and maybe see more opportunities for allowing abundance to flow into your life. Okay. You ready to hear about the next four episodes? Well, the point of [00:02:00] all this is to help you have maybe a paradigm shift in how you see upleveling your business and allowing in more money through sale.
Casey: Today, I want to share with you how to, why to claim your integrated self and your next level purpose, why this is critical for the next level of your business. So if you're a founder, a change agent, a guide, it is absolutely critical that you claim your integrated self, your next level purpose. Okay. Get on the path of becoming an embodied leader.
Casey: That's what I'm going to dig into today. And then over the next three weeks, uh, I'll also share with you about, you know, flirting with your life, giving clients and creating a clear, sexy AAF offer and how the sales process can be sensual and soulful rather than sleazy. [00:03:00] So stay with me over the next month.
Casey: So here's the deal. You are feeling the call to your next level. If you're a founder, a change agent, a guide, and you've been doing the work. And when I say doing the work, you're doing your inner work, and you're also serving the world with the gifts that you have. You're doing the work you're running a business, let's say, and you're getting a call to a different level, a next level.
Casey: This is a natural part of the process. It's been a natural part of my process, my life, and my business has been a series of next levels. I've been required to grow and transform and become more whole and more of who I am. And before. You know, I've always said that entrepreneurship is one of the greatest paths to self-actualization and self-development, so that means growth.
Casey: That means transformation. That means moving from, you know, what gay Hendricks would say is your zone of competence or [00:04:00] zone of excellence to your zone of genius. So what does it mean to claim yourself, to claim your integrated self and your next level purpose? I'm feeling called to use a dating analogy right now.
Casey: Um, you may not know this about me, but I am an expert at the, the dating realm. You know, I was going to say the dating game, but I feel like it's less of a game now. It's just authentic and fun. Um, but claiming your next level purpose and your next level self is kind of like, for me, it's like dating in my thirties versus dating in my twenties.
Casey: Let me. My twenties. I mean, let me just say, I think I was quite a wise 20 something year old. I've always had an old soul and been, uh, you know, a bit wise for my age. So that's true. And I'd done a certain level of [00:05:00] healing at that point, a certain level of. Moving into who I really am and what I'm really here for and still dating in my twenties meant that I would adapt myself to fit what I thought, the person I was dating.
Casey: Wanted, you know, and I don't know that this was super conscious, but it was subconscious. Here's what this would look like. I have a running sort of limiting belief that I'm too much, you know, this sort of fear of outshining or stepping on other people's toes. So in my twenties, this would look like thinking twice about wearing lipstick to go out on a date because I wouldn't want to show up and like be perceived as, you know, too sexy or something.
Casey: But not smart. So I would kind of dim my light or turn down my beauty in order to turn up my smarts, for example. [00:06:00] I've dated across the gamut. So in my twenties, I dated like every archetype of person you could ever imagine. And, you know, part of that's because I just see the gifts and all people. And it's like, when I showed up to go on a date with the.
Casey: Like corporate dude, I would dress a certain way that was maybe more buttoned up. And then when I go on a date with say the skater, dude, I'd find my like edgy side of myself. When I went on a date. You know, the first woman that I dated, I totally shifted my look to what I thought. Maybe she would find attractive, you know, it's, it's silly.
Casey: I hope you don't do that. Maybe in your twenties. You're like way wiser than I was. And you. Just like own who you are. That's my hope for everyone. So point being, when I dated in my twenties, I would kind of like hide parts of myself. Sure. I'd still be myself. I'd still be like open and kind and [00:07:00] funny and charismatic and I'm just kidding.
Casey: Um, I would still be myself and I would kind of like wear the appropriate mask for the occasion. It's like, I didn't trust the. Just literally showing up exactly as I am in my wholeness, in embodying all the disparate parts of me that it's like, I didn't trust that. That was enough. All of this subconscious.
Casey: I don't think I really thought about it too much. Now. Here's how dating in my thirties is different. I get to own my beauty. I get to own my intellect, my spirituality. I wear whatever the fuck I want. I show up. I have no expectation. I just am who I am. And I claim myself. I claim my gifts. I claim the wisdom that I've gained over the years.
Casey: I am in my own skin. I claim the, this [00:08:00] meat suit that I'm in. I'm grounded. I'm present I'm in my body. In my thirties, I'm much more magnetic because my energy is not fragmented. Trying to only show a certain part. I own the weird parts of me. I share the things about me that, that maybe I used to hide. And of course this happens like over time in the dating process.
Casey: I'm not just like vomiting, all the things onto another person about who I am. I. Letting my energy and my embodiment speak for itself. There's no need to hustle or prove or shift or change. Okay. So your next level of purpose, your integrated self is a more embodied version of you. It's like dating in your thirties.
Casey: You're next level purpose requires that you bring certain parts out of the closet. [00:09:00] Certain gifts for me in my uplevels the many up levels. Um, typically I've been required to claim an own and integrate the parts of my gifts that I can't quite put a finger on. I've been on a journey of realizing my intuitive gifts and my.
Casey: Um, psychic wisdom and all of these intangible elements of what I bring to the table. In addition to the things that I was trained for. Right. I have a science degree and a coaching certification, and I'm a 500 hour yoga teacher and I've trained with some addict psychologists and like it's all of that.
Casey: And my special uniqueness, the thing that I do underneath everything I do that is different from others. My next level requires that I fully step into who I am and what I'm here for now. This doesn't mean there's [00:10:00] a need for perfection. We're always going to be growing and shifting and changing. There will be a next level after this next level and owning and embracing all of who you are and what you bring to the table is part of what it takes to move from your zone of competence or zone of excellence to your zone of genius.
Casey: And I believe that this is all just about owning yourself. And embodying your truths in a way that maybe you didn't before this, my friend is critical to you. Upleveling your business. It's a critical part of then being able to develop a more aligned offer for your life. Giving clients it's a critical part of allowing sales to be sensual and easy, again, more on this in the upcoming episodes.
Casey: And here's what gets in the way. [00:11:00] Fear, completely natural fears. Um, people often think that if they really step into who they are and what they're here for, there's something to lose. Either. There won't be money that meets them in that next level, because you know, right now you're doing what you're doing and you're successful at it.
Casey: Yeah. Doing a great job in the episode that was about identity death and your next level purpose. I told my story about being a dietician and knowing that I need to let go of my dietician identity, but resisting it in part because I had a monthly new segment and must getting these all expenses paid trips and was making money doing what I was doing, even though.
Casey: I knew I was meant for more. So you might resist this next level in your business because of fear of losing money, accolades, these like egocentric elements. [00:12:00] You may also resist your next level. For fear that you'll rock the boat in a certain relationship. Here's a journaling question for you. Who might I, who do I fear?
Casey: I might disempower piss off, you know, uh, rock the boat with, by stepping into my next. Usually there's a person or a group of people, maybe even a whole community that you fear you'll disappoint by growing or changing. You know, again, I'm having a dating memory. I'm thinking about my very first love. One of the things that he said to me when we broke up was like, you're always going to be changing.
Casey: I don't know if you'll ever know what you want. And it was one of those things that, you know, in my young twenties, I was like, oh my God, what if that's true? Guess what? [00:13:00] It's true. I'm always going to be changing and transforming. So of course I need to be met there. Right. And. There will be people who will be attracted to and magnetized to you and the work that you do in this next level.
Casey: And yes, that might mean that you no longer resonate with the people you're serving now or in your community. Now, even the friends that you have now, and that's not always true. Often people want to come along. For the ride with you every time that I've up-leveled in my business, clients who I thought were going to drop off because they might not want the new thing I'm offering stepped up to meet me in that next level.
Casey: They stepped up to engage with the transformation I was now offering. And so don't let your limiting beliefs and fears about. [00:14:00] Losing all your people get in the way of your growth, your change, your self-actualization another way you might resist claiming your integrated self and your next level purpose, and taking your seat as an embodied leader.
Casey: Another reason, another way you might resist that is by fearing that more success will equal more hot. That you'll burn out. You're already tired. What's going to happen in your next level. Does that mean you're going to be more tired? I mean, your next level will become what you. Make it, my experience has been that when I finally step into my zone of genius, when I finally own my next level, everything starts to flow in an easier, more fun way.
Casey: It's like time and energy, expand to support exactly what I'm doing. Okay. So [00:15:00] again, Claiming your integrated self, this, this next level version of you. Who's integrated wisdom from all of your life experiences before, and has embodied that in a powerful and purpose-driven way that is necessary for your next level for your Uplevel in business and in life.
Casey: And this is the first part of this series, because it's the most important part when you own who you are, you are confident and you know what, when a confident person shows up on a date and sits down and doesn't have to prove themself, that's sexy. I'm going to end it here. I'd be curious to hear what popped for you in this episode, and also your sense of your next level.
Casey: Definitely be in touch, email info at worthy and well, and share with me the [00:16:00] call that you're receiving. What are you feeling called to. I want to know. Also I'm thinking of cooking up a version of the embodied leader sales intensive, which traditionally has been an offer to help you claim your integrated self next level purpose, create a core transformational offer.
Casey: I'd like to think of it as a sexy AAF offer and then learn sales skills in a way. You've probably never learned them before to help you, you know, double your revenue with sharing your true gifts. I'm thinking about cooking up another version of that. And I'd be curious if that's something you'd be interested in.
Casey: So reach out, let me know. And I can't wait to hear from you soon. Okay. Take good care. Bye bye.