[Sensual Sales Series] Creating a Clear, Sexy, Next Level Offer
Casey: [00:00:00] Everything shifts for me when it comes to selling, when I'm absolutely in love with what I'm selling and the people I'm selling to. Welcome back to the purpose map podcast. This is part three of the Sensu sales series. I'm Casey, Bergland your host and the founder of worthy and well check out parts one and two.
Casey: If you haven't already, where I talk about claiming your integrated self and your next level purpose in part two, I talk about flirting with your life. Giving clients in this app episode. I wanna share with you how, if you're a founder change agent or guide who's stepping into your next level. And you wanna like double your income and impact because you know that your leadership is needed now and you know that you deserve to get paid richly for the transformational work you're here to do without burning out or neglecting your body's wisdom.
Casey: While [00:01:00] part three, we gotta get you a clear, sexy, a F offer for your next level clients. There's nothing worse than when you are trying to make more money in your business and have more impact in your work. But you're like not totally sold on the thing that you're offering to people, uh, in that space between your zone of competence or zone of excellence and your zone of genius.
Casey: There's this like, Gap for me when I was a dietician and I was helping people with their relationship with food and their bodies. I loved that. I loved that. You know, talking about food, offered a gateway to go deeper, to get deeper into the hearts of my ideal clients and, and. To help them transform on a deeper level and access a stronger sense of self love and create more transformational change.
Casey: I did love that [00:02:00] I could kind of get there through the pathway of food, but after a while, when I started to reach my upper limit for that kind of work, it was just like, it became. It became kind of hard to sell. Like even if people were buying what I was offering, it was like, there was a misalignment in my own energy that drained my energy through that work because I was at my edge.
Casey: My next level was calling. And when I wasn't accepting that call sales process in my business started to feel a bit off. And of course I had resistance. You can read more about that. Resistance, read more, listen to it on the podcast episode, that was about identity, death and your next level purpose. But when I started to really tap into like, what's missing here, what do I really, what am I really called to?
Casey: What. Gifts am I really called to share what is my next level purpose? Who are the people that I am here on the planet [00:03:00] to serve. Now, when I started to let myself explore those questions and then through flirting with my life, giving clients and really getting to know them and listening to their words and hearing their story and discovering like what it is they're really after what it is that would help them to feel.
Casey: Like they're more in an expansive flow receiving the actual results that they really wanted when I started to integrate that wisdom and then created a really clear offer that integrated what I felt called to do and what they wanted that would help to solve some of the problems they were experiencing and live into the vision that they had for themselves.
Casey: When I like played matchmaker with those three pieces. Who am I? Who are they? And what do they want? And I created a container, a safe, secure, transformational container for them to thrive within when I [00:04:00] just like owned and loved the offer. And I knew that it was supportive to the life giving clients I had.
Casey: Well, gosh, sales became so fun and so easy. I don't know about you, but every day after work, I walk down the street and see the people on the corner of the street who are, um, basically cold selling to any passer by, and you know what? They have a good cause helping children in foreign countries or, you know, helping to support animals.
Casey: Like they're, it's important work. And. And I trust that the, the people who are getting folks on board in that work, like what they're doing and feel some sort of like impact in what they're doing. I would hope that that's true. Otherwise, like it would be really hard to stand on the corner and try and offer strangers [00:05:00] an opportunity to invest.
Casey: You know, every time I go by the question is, Hey, can I ask you a question? What's your favorite animal? And every time I say it's a horse, I look them in the eyes and I say, great job. Keep doing what you're doing. I'm not available for a conversation right now for me. There's, there's no buildup. There's no relationship there, which is why step two or part two of the central sales series, flirting with your life.
Casey: Giving clients like really getting to know them over time is really important, but. Part three. What we're talking about today is like having something, a clear offer that you are in love with, and that you feel like your clients have already told you they want, that becomes something that is so much easier to get paid for.
Casey: So, this is a really important part of the central sales process. Again, central sales is a, a high integrity turned on way to get paid richly without the [00:06:00] hustle. When you love what it is you're offering to the right person at the right time, the. Sale or them paying you for your brilliant work happens easily and effortlessly.
Casey: If there's any misalignment there, then things will feel a bit off in your body. Now I'm making an assumption. I'm making an assumption that you're someone who has been in business for a while. You have gotten paid for. Work that you're brilliant at doing and people rave about your work and you're feeling called to a next level, a next level of income and impact in your business.
Casey: So I'm making an assumption that maybe you've already done some of your money mindset work. Um, You've already done a lot of inner work. You've already healed some shit and yes, of course we're never perfect. There's always more [00:07:00] growth. There might be more to work through as it relates to our relationship with money and selling.
Casey: Like, I mean, that's why I'm here. That's why we're talking about this now, but you've already done quite a bit and you're up leveling. You're ready for your next level. If you don't have an offer that you are oh, so totally lit up about and jazzed to facilitate for people who you love, whose hearts are open to receive, then, you know, that's when sales feels sleazy, I have so much.
Casey: Respect for those folks. I just spoke about that. Stand on the street corner. Um, I trust that they like what they're doing and they, uh, believe in what they're selling. But I also know people who, you know, have sold knives door to door or sold ideas door to door, or, you know, it takes resilience on a high failure tolerance to get the door slammed in your face.
Casey: And for us, for [00:08:00] us founders change agent guides. Who are heart centered and who want a more inflow way of helping people and getting paid richly for it? We need a damn good offer. A sexy Afaf offer one that our next level clients want. So right now I invite you to reflect on what it is that you're offering people oftentimes.
Casey: When folks are stepping into their next level service in business, I see this trend where what's required for that next level is a bit of streamlining or integration. So right now, are you someone who has like five to 10 offers? that maybe you like facilit. But, and also they fragment your energy or your client maybe gets confused about what you do, cuz there's too many things to choose from.[00:09:00]
Casey: You know, a confused mind says, no, maybe you're in that boat where you feel a bit fragmented. You've taken on too much. And there's too many different things that you're doing that aren't quite it. They aren't like the thread. That's an alignment with your next level purpose. Well then it's time to. Look at that and give your offers a little refresh.
Casey: Um, one thing I also witness in folks and has been true for myself is that it isn't always that you have to completely annihilate what it is you're doing. Sometimes I think that death of what you're doing is necessary for creating space for the new idea. But other times it's actually just discovering what the thread is among the offers that you have.
Casey: And. Aligning them into something that is maybe bigger and more transformational for a specific client. Like. Sometimes, I think it's the integration that business owners [00:10:00] want to feel fulfilled in their next level. I mean, when I think about wellness, true wellness is about coming into wholeness, coming into integration.
Casey: So myself as a person, when I'm doing my healing work or I'm expanding or growing, the, the goal is wholeness. The goal is integration. That's wellness. So it's similar for your business for your next level business, for it to be healthy and whole, and for you to get paid richly for what you're here to do without burning out, um, you might think about or feel into where can I integrate?
Casey: Where can I integrate the. Most life giving parts of what I do into one offer one container. An offer is a container that holds a transformational process in the embodied litter leader, sales intensive, [00:11:00] which I'll be enrolling a small group of people into you for starting in April in that sales intensive.
Casey: We work together to help you integrate your deep wisdom and clarify how you bring your next level purpose to your life, giving clients in what container is appropriate for that higher level of transformation. And specifically we're creating offers that we, you can charge at higher fees. And then essential sales process to let that system flow.
Casey: But the offer is such an important part. If this is something that you're interested or intrigued about email info worthy and well.com, you can also go to let your body lead.com and step or check out step three of our process and maybe fill out one of the application forms and a member of our team can reach out to you to see if the embodied leader sales intensive [00:12:00] is a good.
Casey: Fit. And even if that's not something you're considering, I hope that this episode where I'm asking you questions about your offer, like what's missing in your offer, what do you need to add to it? That'll make it feel so expansive and life giving and exciting. I hope that that in and of itself, even if you choose no ought to join us for the embodied leader, sales intensive is useful and helpful for you.
Casey: In the next episode, I'll be sharing more about the central sales process. And again, I hope these few episodes so far has helped you shift your mind and heart to a new paradigm way of selling and a new paradigm way of. Serving sales is service. Sales is service. Sales is service. When you sell people, when people are paying for the work that you're here to do, they are transforming more [00:13:00] than when they're not paying most of the time.
Casey: So your people are just waiting for you to. Step into your next level and connect with them and create a really beautiful offer that they're just waiting to enroll themselves in. And the rest will unfold from there. Thank you so much for tuning in. I'm curious to hear what popped for you in this episode.
Casey: Again, don't ever hesitate to reach out, go to let your body lead.com. Email info worthy and well.com. And we're on the social medias at worthy and well, I'll talk to you very soon. Take really good care. Bye for now. [00:14:00]