How to Trust Your Body in Decision Making / 5 Clairs and Embodiment
Casey Berglund: [00:00:00] Well, hello there and welcome back to the Purpose Map podcast. This is Casey Bergland, your host and the founder of Worthy and Well. And I just wanna start by reminding you that the doors for the light, your Body Lead facilitator training close on March 31st. We kick off on April 11th, and this is a training that is for you.
Smart, ambitious, spiritually curious human who is here to fully embody their integrated self and express their next level purpose, facilitate epic results for their life-giving clients, and also create a core transformational offer that they confidently sell using their integrated gifts. It's for you.
If you wanna learn how to use the four pillars of the Let Your Body Lead Method coaching skills, embodiment practices, wisdom from ancient traditions and science to support people [00:01:00] in creating transformational change in their lives. Of course, it'll change you too. You're on your own hero's journey.
You're probably stepping into your next level of success and wanting to up-level your skillset. You know the outcomes that you create in your own life as well in whatever area. Health, wealth, relationships, and connection to deeper purpose. We're so happy to invite you on board if it feels like an aligned fit and,~ um,~ can't wait to kick off this training.
This podcast episode today is really about how embodiment helps you to become more intuitive, and the role of intuition in making meaningful, purposeful decisions, and honestly creating more flow and expansion in your life. Have you ever had the feeling of everything coming into absolute alignment, even if just for a split second or a moment in time, you know, that experience of undeniable truth or absolute clarity where everything [00:02:00] just makes sense?
There's no question. Have you experienced that? What is that like for you? For me, this type of big alignment has happened in a few key transformational moments of my life, and all of them have been while being fully embodied. I've noticed that,~ uh,~ embodiment has been kind of a core part of the process to creating the en environment for allowing these drops of insight to come through.
When I first heard my inner voice say, your dharma is love, and it brought me to tears. That was an example of this. Then that same voice told me to let go of my dietician identity, and it was like a hundred pound weight was lifted off my shoulders. . I felt that undeniable truth, that hell, yes, this is it.
When I invested $10,000 to work with a coach who saw my vision clearer than anyone else I knew, you know, I realized my fears in that moment were only in my head. Yeah. It felt like, oh, I don't have the [00:03:00] money. What am I gonna, where am I gonna find that? But a truer part of me had this knowing that it was safe to trust and to take a.
I had this experience of undeniable truth when I heard inside myself take three weeks off and go on an adventure. And that was followed by a feeling of expansive, almost giddiness like I was a child, about to do something exciting that I hadn't done in a long time. And you know, that was something that kind of brought me back to life after feeling pretty stuck and not like myself.
And then of course, The wisdom to get out of Calgary and live and work from the jungle for a few months really gave me this wave of chills and this subtle flutter in my tummy and just helped me to feel like, huh, maybe that is something for me right now. And I can say like, these were the right decisions.
They even made logical [00:04:00] sense eventually , maybe not at the start, you know, intuitive decisions like this or intuitive knowings or these drops of insight, they feel so true in the moment, but sometimes it feels like the mind or the logic doesn't quite catch up until later. For me anyway, the logic does eventually catch up.
It eventually makes sense looking backwards, you know, when it comes to decision making. That undeniable truth, those moments of like pure, potent clarity, they feel so good, but, and also. Most of the time, if I'm really honest, I aim for 80% clarity with decisions. If I can get myself to like an eight out of 10, this is right for me, then I'll do it.
Sometimes waiting for the 10 outta 10 or having a hundred percent clarity all the time can keep me from never taking action. And I wonder if that's the same for you [00:05:00] though. It does feel good in those rare moments where I'm all the way there. My journey has meant that I have practiced, you know, I've had to give myself evidence that it's safe,~ um,~ to trust that voice or those sensations by practicing, and especially after ignoring my intuition.
For years, I've had to learn how to rebuild a relationship with intuition. I wanna share with you in this episode different ways that you might connect with intuition and how. Experiencing not just embodiment, but how coaching and integrating wisdom from ancient traditions and understanding the science of embodiment can support you in becoming more intuitive.
Even if right now you're feeling a bit stuck or like you're having a hard time making decisions, if you feel kind of one foot in, one foot out on a decision, or if you're in a space [00:06:00] in your life, whether that's with your work or in a relationship where you're feeling like, You don't quite know how to move forward.
Like maybe you are feeling like things are okay or they're fine, but a part of your view wants them to be even better, or you're hoping for some sort of next level, but it feels like challenging to take the next step. So even if you're not feeling. Like you're ready to take a leap right now and you're feeling a bit stuck in your life.
It's okay. My hope is that through this episode, I can help you to reconnect with your own intuitive knowing and also understand how tuning into wisdom from embodiment, you know, coaching skills, ancient wisdom and science can help you in decision making through deepening your connection with your intuition and your specific way of connecting with intuition.
So, yes. You are intuitive. Every human is intuitive. It's a matter of [00:07:00] whether or not you listen to that intuition or have had the opportunity to develop it over time. So when I talk about hearing a voice that tells me what to do, what I'm talking about, there is clear audience. That means clear hearing.
There's different types of intuition, and they usually start with this word Claire in front. So Claire audience is clear hearing. When I feel sensations in my body that tell me to do things like I often refer to the truth tingles and the truth tears. Even on this trip, people always reflect back to me the number of times.
I'll say like, Ooh, truth tingles, because it happens a lot. That's called Clair sentence or Clear feeling. It's a clear sensation that offers guidance. These are just two forms of intuitive knowing, but there are others as well, and I'll share some examples. Clairvoyance, maybe you've heard that term. No, it's not just for psychics.
[00:08:00] You might have clairvoyant capacities as well, or be able to develop. Clairvoyance means clear seeing. So for example, when the image of the Purpose map framework came to me on a bike ride home from the office about five years ago, that was an example of clear seeing. It was like I got the visual of that map and a direct understanding of it.
In like a flash. If you are new to the Purpose Map podcast and you're new to the Purpose Map framework, we'll link in the show notes a post that is all about the purpose map framework and how it's used. ~Um, ~so not to worry. You can check that out later. So clairvoyance is clear. Seeing Claire Alliance is clear smelling.
So an example of this for me, I, this is something that pops up when I can almost just like sniff that something is off. So Claire all kicks in for me [00:09:00] when I'm traveling and ~uh, ~you know, when I'm. At sometimes a literal fork in the road and I'm like, do I turn right or I do I turn left. Or if I'm on a path towards somewhere and I get this sense, it's almost like I sniff that something is off.
Sometimes I actually get a like kind of bad smell and it stops me in my tracks. This is an example of clear smelling where you almost have a nose for what's off. In moments where I'm traveling, sometimes it's my Claire Alliance that helps me to stop and turn in the opposite direction because something just smelled off.
Claire Gustin is another form of intuition. It means clear tasting. Now I have an interesting experience of Claire Gustin. ~Um, ~anytime that I experience my deceased grandma El. So this is my dad's mom, . I get this taste in my mouth [00:10:00] of peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches. She fed us peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches when we were kids, and that exact taste comes to me out of nowhere in random, sometimes maybe they're perfectly timed moments and
Literally, every time I talk about Grandma Elma or talk about peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches, the taste comes to my mouth. It's like, Not my favorite sensory experience, but it is one that I've become fond of. And you know what's interesting on this trip in Costa Rica, when I was at a retreat center, one of the women at the retreat was talking about how much he loved peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches.
And I was blown away because I have not heard that from anyone. And it feels like something so strongly connected to Grandma Alma. So anyway, Claire Guston's, clear tasting. And clear cognizance is clear knowing. So for me, I've had these sort of moments where I know something without realizing why or how I [00:11:00] know something.
And sometimes I'll just have this sense inside this clear knowing that like for example, that it was time to live alone again, and to ask my partner to move out. That came to me in the form of clear cognizance. So there's all these different types of intuition and ways that we can connect with intuition.
~Uh, ~to recap, I talked about clear audience, which is clear hearing. So for example, when I heard my inner voice say, your dharma is love, clear senti, clear feeling, that's when I get truth, tingles or truth. Teal tears. Clairvoyance is clear seeing. So I gave the example of seeing the purpose map framework in a flash.
Claire Allian, clear smelling, having a nose for what's off. Claire Gustin think peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches. When you have a sense of taste that gives you information and Claire cognizance is clear. Knowing, just having a knowing of what to do [00:12:00] without really realizing where that knowing came.
So all of these are forms of intuition. And like I said earlier, they're not just accessible to like psychics or energy healers or people in those like mystical ~uh, ~professions. Anyone can access intuition and develop their intuition. What I've realized as I've deepened my own work of self-discovery, especially through embodiment, especially through self-reflection and self-inquiry, in other words, using coaching skills on myself, especially through integrating,~ uh,~ Practices that are ancient, like for example, meditation and yoga and learning about yoga philosophy and sort of working with the tools from the yoic realm.
All of those things have helped to make me more sensitive. You know, my yoga teacher in India says, the point of all this is to make you more sensitive. It's what you do with that sensitivity [00:13:00] and in other, Creating more sensitivity is allowing you to sense on a more subtle level, your intuition. You know, even when I think about what I've learned from science, especially around nervous system regulation, it's like when.
When really integrating that wisdom around nervous system regulation, I can tell when I'm connected to intuition by how regulated my nervous system is. When my nervous system is not regulated, I can't access that clear voice. It's like they're static in my field. When I'm in, say, fight, flight or freeze.
So basical. All of the pillars of the Let Your Body Lead Method help to support people in having a stronger connection to their intuition in becoming more sensitive so that they can sense truth more quickly. Why does this matter? Well, it matters in really practical ways. It matters for decision [00:14:00] making.
When you're connected to your intuition, it's almost like it's more efficient. You can trust yourself better in making decisions that could change your life for the better. You know, we all have a different process for decision making. Some people need to take a little bit more time. Some people need to sleep on it.
Some people have a gut instinct. Some people, you know, have to talk things out in order to. Decisions and all people have access to some form of intuition, whether that's Claire audience, Claire Clairvoyance, Claire Alliance, Claire Gustin, Claire Cognizance. If you're human, you can connect with intuition, which can help you make decisions.
It also can really help you become a better. It can help you honestly be safer while you're traveling. You know, trust me when I say as a single woman, traveling alone, relying on my intuition has saved my life in [00:15:00] moments because it just helps me to know what I need to do when I need to do it. As you likely know, we've been in a process of enrolling for the Let Your Body Lead facilitator.
So in a moment, I'm gonna invite you to use your intuition to practice using your intuition, using the facilitator training as an example. And trust me when I say I am not attached to what your intuition says, I just want you to connect with it if you're able to. I'm not attached to whether or not you join us for this incredible training.
I only want folks who, who feel like it's an aligned fit, whose intuition is saying yes. Actually invest in themselves through this training. So I'm not attached, but I wanna give you an example or an experience of how you can connect with your inner knowing for decision making. And so I'm curious, based on what I've shared so far, and you know, maybe you're already thinking of moments in the past where you've had that sort of undeniable truth, that [00:16:00] clear knowing where you've made a decision that you were really proud of, a decision that you were glad that you made.
what Claire have you most resonated with, or what did you most resonate with? What Claire have you used in the past to support you in making decisions? In other words, what form of intuition do you connect with? Do you hear clearly? Do you feel clearly? Do you see clearly? Do you smell clearly? Do you taste clearly?
Do you just. I know you're intuitive, so what is it that helps you to know what's right for. You know, again, maybe you experience a gut feeling a fast insight. Maybe you need to ride the wave of your emotions. If you know human design, maybe you have that emotional authority and then make a decision when you feel like you're in a neutral state.
Maybe you're someone who makes a pros and cons [00:17:00] list. Now, sometimes I find that folks can get caught in their pros and cons lists, and it can prolong their decision making process. It can take them further away from intuition, but for others, it helps 'em to connect with intuition. Are you someone who needs to talk things out or spend time in nature to get clear?
Remember, you know better than anyone else? What is your truth about how you make your best decisions? Okay. It's time to put that truth to the test. Like I said, the let your body lead facilitator training is starting April, 2023, and the doors will be, are open for just a little bit longer. They close on March 31st.
The training is an immersive nine month transformational program for the smart, ambitious, and spiritually curious human who wants to become a masterful, embodied. The type of leader they know they're meant to be and uplevel [00:18:00] in all areas of their life. It's for the person who wants to fully embody their integrated self and next level purpose, facilitate epic results for their life, giving clients or community members or colleagues, and create a core transformational offer that they confidently sell.
Whether they're an entrepreneur running their own business or an entrepreneur in a corporate space. I'm curious. Is that something that sounds like it's for you? Trust your intuition. And would you like to receive those results without burning out or neglecting your body's wisdom following some cookie cutter system or having to go it alone?
Again, tune in. What does your intuition say? Is this an experience that you would like to. If you received a yes from your unique access to your intuition, especially to like [00:19:00] two or three of those questions, then here's your next step. It's time to get off the fence and join us for the Let Your Body Lead Facilitator Training cuz the doors are closing soon.
When you join us, you will also receive access to your next level Success 30 Day Intensive. It's a bonus where you get to apply the Let Your Body Lead Method to a specific area of your life and watch the magic happen. Now, if your intuition gave you a loud and clear, no, congratulations on listening to your body's wisdom.
Your next step is to stick around this community, to maybe say hello and tell us what's up in your world. We're so, so happy to serve you in perhaps some other way or in some future program. So thank you for being here, and thank you for trusting yourself. And if you're someone who's maybe a no to the facilitator training, I'm curious what you're a yes to.[00:20:00]
What in your life are you saying yes to right now?
I'm celebrating you and your beautiful intuition when you can learn to trust your intuition. And no, it's not fluffy to do. So it's actually very practical when you can learn to trust your intuition and understand how your unique intuition works, and develop that intuition over time by connecting with your body's wisdom through self inquiry, through, you know, like sucking the juice out of the beautiful wisdom from ancient traditions, and also learning about things like nervous system regulation and the science that supports decision making.
Everything gets easier. Everything starts to flow. My clients share with me that once we work together and they get more connected with themselves and their intuition, it's like magic starts to unfold. The [00:21:00] number of times that I hear back from clients, you know, like a month later, three months later, a year later, five years later, that they have kind of made manifest the exact thing that they said they wanted when we worked together.
It's like amazing how many times that happens. So the more connected you get with your own self, with your own body's wisdom, with your intuition, your unique way of making decisions, it's almost like, for lack of better words, the clearer you get with the universe and the more easy it is to live a magical life.
You don't have to control everything. It just kind of unfolds. I'm sure you've maybe had those moments where it feels like it's a series of synchronistic events that guides you this work, this connecting with your intuition, this connecting with your body's wisdom. It will help you elevate your consciousness.
In other words, elevate your energy. And when that [00:22:00] happens, you get to see the world through a different lens from one that is more abundant and less scarce. It feels more expansive and less constrictive from that higher level of consciousness. Even things that feel like challenges in the moment, things that feel like they aren't going wrong or aren't going right, I should say even.
Constrictive moments can actually be viewed as guideposts. Like there's some sort of bigger purpose for that challenge or that resistance or that thing you thought you wanted not coming to fruition. From that higher level of consciousness, you can choose better a perspective of like, alright, something better.
Okay. What's the meaning in all of this? It's this abundant perspective that makes life easier, and I care about this work [00:23:00] and guiding you through it. Because I believe that when we're living, when we're all living with that higher level of awareness, that higher level of consciousness, we're happier, we're more joyful, we're more aligned.
We do work that is meant for. When we're happier, more joyful, more aligned, we treat each other better, and that directly plays into this bigger mission of creating more love in the world and less separation, less fear. So if you're curious about being part of this mission, the opportunity that's right in front of you right now is to join the Let Your Body Lead Facilitator Training.
And again, if you got a loud and clear, no to that invitation, stick around. We've got more for you. Thank you so, so much for being here, for listening into the Purpose Map podcast for engaging with me and our team. Don't ever hesitate to email us info worthy and or send us a note on Instagram at worthy and well.
We love hearing from you and we can't wait to invite you if it's the right fit for you [00:24:00] into the Let Your Body Lead Facilitator training. That's all for now. My friends take really good care and I can't wait to chat with you very soon. Bye for now.