[Live Coaching] "Am I on the Right Path? What Do I Do Next?"

Season #1

Welcome to The Purpose Map(TM) podcast's very first live Let Your Body Lead(TM) Coaching and Guidance session with our community member who is asking the question "am I on the right path? What do I do next?"

In this episode Casey guides our guest through a self-discovery process, so that she can receive what she came to the session for: support with finding clarity of purpose and trusting her path.

Our guest wants to be okay with her "innate self" and feel safe enough to share her gifts with other people, but something feels blocked. There's an intuition that she needs to connect with her body and specifically, her inner child to support her journey.

Of note, the Let Your Body Lead(TM) Method incorporates tools and skills from the practices of coaching, embodiment, ancient wisdom, and science. Casey draws upon these tools in combination with her intuitive gifts to support this guest. Though the session is highly therapeutic, it is not therapy.

We invite you to slow down, get present, and come along with us, especially if you are also wondering if you are on the right path.

And if you would like to apply to be coached and guided (for free) on The Purpose Map(TM) podcast, please click here and share your story.

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