Want Peace and Ease? Become a Nervous System Whisperer for Optimal Wellness

Season #1

You are in the right place right now if you want to feel peace and ease, abundant in your sense of wellbeing, and reconnected with the truth of your own value, power, and deserving. In other words, you want to feel good, and you want to feel like feeling good doesn't have to be so hard to achieve, even if right now you're experiencing some sort of personal frustration or fear that's impacting your overall wellbeing.

In this solo episode, Casey takes you on a journey toward understanding your nervous system, so that you can see the connection between regulating yourself and overall wellness and well-being. To regulate, means to affect or impact your nervous system in a positive way, especially in moments where you feel "triggered."

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • three key nervous system states, including how and when they are each activated
  • the difference between co-regulation and self-regulation
  • how to choose your "leading wellness practice" to stay regulated, and experience life from a more responsive state for wellbeing, peace, and ease
  • what to do when you are dysregulated, "triggered", or reactive, in order to come back "home" to a more optimal state
  • why you don't need to fight your way into a regulated nervous system, and why you might need medication, therapy, coaching, or some other form of support to make regulation easier
  • three invitations to integrate this wisdom

Resources Mentioned: